Principal Sessions Judge Bandipora convicted accused persons for culpable homicide.
Quantum to be announced on 25-11-2021
Case FIR No. 96/2012 U/s 302, 148, 149, 34 RPC P/S HAJIN STATE V/S GH. HASSAN DAR AND OTHERS
The Charge sheet in the case fir no. 96/2012 of P/S Hajin was presented before the Hon’ble Court on 27/12/2012. The accused persons who were 07 were charged for the commission of offence punishable U/S 302, 148, 149, 34 RPC .
The brief facts of the case are that on 21-10-2012 P/S Hajin received a Complaint from one person namely Abdul Karim Dar S/o Abdul Samad Dar R/o Lehrawalpora Bandipora to the effect that at Harbathi Top in Jhelum River while extracting sand the accused person s started abusing the laborers engaged there. Accused Hassan Dar assaulted one laborer namely Nigar Ahmad Dar S/o Mohd Sadiq Dar R/o Leharwalpora Bandipora and got him injured who fell in river Jhelum. The dead body of the deceased was retrieved from River Jhelum on 21-10-2012. The accused persons who were under judicial custody during the trial period lodged at district jail Baramulla. The 01 accused namely Mohammad Saleem Dar was already on bail on medical grounds.
The Hon’ble court has listed the matter for arguments on quantum of punishment on 25-11-2021. The details of accused persons are as under:
Ghulam Hassan Dar ( convicted U/S 304(ii) RPC )
Noor Mohammad Shugoo
Mohammad Saleem Dar
Altaf Dar
Noor Mohammad Dar
S/o Ramzan Dar