Prominent political activist and renowned businessman Sajad Alam today joined the Peoples Conference. He was welcomed into the party by PC President Sajad Gani Lone. PC senior leaders and functionaries including Mohammad Abbas Wani, Mohammad Khurshid Alam, Raja Ajaz Ali, District President Srinagar Nazirudin Baba, PC Incharge Eidgah Irfan Matoo, Youth PC General Secretary Mudasir Karim, Sulaiman Bhat among others were also present on the occasion.

While welcoming Sajad Alam into the fold, PC President Sajad Lone said that it is inspiring and encouraging to see people from all walks of life joining the PC with a resolve to strengthen it on ground and make it a viable political alternative.

He said that PC’s popularity amongst the masses could be gauged by the fact that new and experienced people are entering into the fold with a hope to see Jammu and Kashmir a place free from uncertainty, violence and mis-governance.

“We have a common purpose of serving the people of J&K. It is a matter of great satisfaction that a growing number of people, especially the youth, are showing great faith and trust in our party and its policies. PC is committed to carve out space for youth leaders. We want to groom the youngsters to play a pivotal role and contribute to the politics and welfare of J&K in the coming decades”, he added.

Alam, who hails from Khanyar, expressed pleasure on joining the PC. He said that the “sincerity of thought of the PC president and the history of service and sacrifice of the party obliged him to join the People’s Conference”.

“I want to participate and contribute to this overall change by working within the aegis of the People’s Conference. I will tirelessly continue to work for the cause of people and further strengthen the party at the grassroots level,” he said.


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