Srinagar, December 20 :

Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party President, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari on Monday termed the recent proposal of Delimitation Commission not in sync with the census 2011, thus totally unacceptable to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Referring to the media reports on the Delimitation Commission’s proposal, the Party President regretted that the commission has bypassed the merits and demands of people’s representation in its report thereby corroborating to the concerns and apprehensions of the people.

“The current proposal stands in total contrast to the process and guidelines mandated by the laws governing delimitation in the country. The district areas and their respective population numbers were to be taken into consideration as per the census of 2011 which for some unknown reason is missing from the said report,” he said adding, not only the population criteria has been ignored but it seems that the commission has done away with the representational requirements of the existing administrative units.

Bukhari urged the government of India to intervene in the matter and ensure that the Commission revisits its report and takes the merit into consideration.

“The report of the Delimitation Commission in its present form is unacceptable and Apni Party appeals the Government of India to take serious cognizance of this matter so that the concerns of discrimination among the people alleviated before the Commission’s report takes a final shape,” he said. (KNS)


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