Director Health Services Kashmir has all ordered all the Chief Medical officers and Medical superintendents to furnish a list of all employees having stay of over five years at a particular place.

He has also asked them to furnish a list of the officials who have completed two years at the present place of posting.

An official communique with Chief Medical officers and Medical Superintendents titled rotation of government officials reads that with relevance to the aforementioned subject and as per O.M issued by General Administration Department vide No. GAD-ADMOIII/13/2021-02-GAD Dated:-13.09.2021, you are requested to furnish the stay list of all the employees (Officers/Officials) working in your respective districts having stay of more than five (05) years as per the devised format within 03 days positively through respective Dealing hand both in hard and soft format.

“Besides, you are requested to furnish the stay of those officials who have completed two years of stay at the present place of postings as per above mentioned format both in hard as well in hard copy as well,” it states, as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO).

“The matter needs your personal attention and is of utmost urgency,” he said—(KNO)


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