Reyaz Rashid

Heewan,24 December2023:  The presidential elections of Heewan Cricket Association was held on Sunday in which the dynamic young cricketer and astute cricket affairs manager, Sheikh Tajamul, was re-elected as president for a second term.

The elections were supervised by the administrative wing of the Heewan Cricket Association. Out of a total of 186 eligible voters, a substantial turnout of 130 individuals participated in the democratic process. Sheikh Tajamul emerged victorious with a commanding lead, securing 86 votes, while his opponent, Manzoor Ahmad Dar, garnered 51 votes. The young president defeated his opposite candidate by a significant margin of 35 votes.

The atmosphere during the elections was charged with enthusiasm as supporters of Sheikh Tajamul expressed their jubilation. The passionate cricket enthusiasts, present in the vicinity, shouted slogans in favor of the elected president, highlighting the overwhelming support and confidence the cricketing community has in his leadership.

This victory not only solidifies Sheikh Tajamul’s position as a prominent figure within the Heewan Cricket Association but also reflects the trust and belief the members have in his ability to continue steering the association towards greater heights.

As Sheikh Tajamul embarks on his second term, eyes are on the promising developments and initiatives he will bring to further enhance cricketing affairs in Heewan. The administrative wing’s meticulous supervision of the elections ensures a transparent and fair process, setting the stage for a period of continued growth and success under the leadership of Sheikh Tajamul.

“Gratitude fills my heart as I express my sincere thanks to the voters and all members of the Heewan Cricket Association, along with every individual who extended their unwavering support. Your belief in our shared vision for cricket and the growth of our association is truly humbling. Together, let us continue to write the next chapter of success in Heewan cricket. Thank you for your trust and support,” said Sheikh Tajamul.


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