Baramulla Police organized 3 days capacity building training program for star IOs of NDPS cases at conference hall DPL Baramulla which commences from today.

The workshop was inaugurated by SSP Baramulla Sh Amod Ashok Nagpure-IPS besides team of NCB Jammu and star Investigating officers from Baramulla Police participated in the training program.

The training program has been organized to aware the investigating officers with latest techniques and standard practices to expedite the investigation and improve and ensure convictions in NDPS cases.

At the beginning, SSP Baramulla briefed the participants about drug abuse, it’s sources both natural as well as synthetic and made aware the participants about the identification of NDPS substances. He impressed upon the officers that progress of various heinous crime cases must be disposed-off properly and on timely basis. He also stressed upon them to adopt latest techniques and standard practices which would bring improvement in investigation of the cases. He directed the officers to conduct investigations efficiently so the ratio of this menace could be lowered.

Presentations were also given by officers of NCB Jammu on various aspects of NDPS Act and related laws and procedures. The resource person of NCB Jammu delivered detailed briefing over NDPS Act, PIT NDPS and Financial Investigations etc. The main objective of the workshop was to enhance the investigative skills and to achieve higher conviction rates in NDPS cases, procedures to be followed for destruction of seized contraband.

#peoplefirst #blapolice


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