Demand end to unnecessary harassment, forced eviction to the registered sumo stand  

SNS Kashmir

Baramulla: Baramulla Tata Sumo Owners Union (Commercial) near Criyapa Park- is up in arms against Municipal Authorities alleging harassment and forcible eviction from the stand despite being a registered Sumo Stand in Baramulla.

President Baramulla Tata Sumo Owners Union (BTSOU) Manzoor Ahmad said that BTSOU is a registered Sumo vide J&K Transport Commissioner Notification No: 07-MVD/P of 2014 dated 17/06/2014 for picking up and settling down passengers in the space and are paying rent to MCB yearly.

“We are being told to move from one place from another place. We have been paying rent to MCB and services to people. Previously also we were provided space at Bus Stand Baramulla but Bus Union   raised objection and didn’t implement Deputy Commissioner’s orders,” he added.

The drivers and sumo owners allege that people are suffering due to non-serious approach of authorities as they creating rift between bus driver and sumo driver.

“We should not be moved to any other place as there are several illegal and unregistered sumo stands which continue to function. If land is provided a suitable place or in bus stand, then administration should implement its orders or get them executed,” he added.    


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