Suhail Rather
Bandipora, 21 August:
Two civil Engineers Benit-ul-Islam and her friend Shabnum Masood hailing from north Kashmir have been awarded from Punjab university for propsoing an alternate method to construct roads out of bio-medical waste.
The girls are currently working on project of National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC). They said the idea will not only make our roads economical, but it will also prove as a safest mechanism of biomedical waste disposal.
According to their research, use of biomedical wastes in road construction is one of best and finest step for road construction in snow Bound area’s as every years crore’s of rupees are being spend in road development and is damaged during winters owing to snow.
It’s responsibility of an every individual to find some alternative ways to boost our economy , “we as an individual’s have found some alternative ways for road construction”.
Since childhood, we had seen the roads of Kashmir. This thing always stuck in our minds whenever we used to travel together on roads of Kashmir and one day as an civil Engineering graduates we decided to com up with the solution. After doing a lot of research & analysis, Our solution ultimately comes up with that biomedical waste can be used in road construction of Kashmir to make our roads economical. The research comprises of 10 paper publications and it was awarded as best project in various conferences.
Recently confrence sponsered by Aicte, web of science declared this innovative idea as the best idea of innovation.
The two engineering girls were awarded as the youngest Researcher’s of India by AICTE,. Benit-Ul-Islam got an award of skillful engineer & best project management award in the conference , with a membership I’d from AICTE, because of her excellent experience on the practical field of civil Engineering.
Apart from research area she has a experience of working in various projects like NHPC & NBCC.