SNS Kashmir

URI :22 April 2022: World Earth Day was celebrated in BHSS Uri. All the staff members including students participated in the event.

The program started with the inaugural speech delivered by Sr Lecturer Political Science Mr Shafique Ahmad Sheikh.

In his inaugural speech Mr Shafique Ahmad Sheikh highlighted the importance of the day and briefed the audience about the measures to be taken to prevent our earth from pollution.

Mtr Neelofar Jabeen Teacher BHSS Uri briefed the audience present on the occasion about the theme “Invest in our planet” and discussed in detail the importance of the day. Shahida Masarat Teacher BHSS Uri speaking on the occasion also impressed on the dire need for mass education regarding various climatic changes and the measures to be taken in order to prevent our future generations from disasters.

The program concluded with the vote of thanks delivered by Mr Farooq Ahmad Mir Sr Lecturer Economics BHSS Uri.


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