Jammu, May 24 :

Directorate of Health Services Jammu has cancelled all leaves of doctors and para-medical staff except maternity leave and commuted leave on medical grounds from June 19 in view of the Amarnath Yatra.

According to a circular, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Director Health Services Jammu has directed all concerned officials not to sanction or forward leave applications of doctors and para medical staff.

“In view of Amarnath Yatra 2023, all type of leaves of doctors & para-medical staff except maternity leave & commuted leave on edical grounds, stands cancelled from June 19” reads the circular.

It reads that it is impressed upon all the CMOs, medical superintendents and BMOs not to sanction or forward leave applications of doctors & paramedics in view of commencement of Amarnath Yatra—(KNO)


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