Dr Sehrish Asgar Applauds Role of Depth


Baramulla, January 17:

In a significant development, Baramulla district has once again achieved a milestone in Aspirational Development Programme by securing 3rd rank among Aspirational Districts in the country in the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog’s Delta rankings for the month of September 2022.

Pertinently, the District has achieved this landmark on the basis of overall performance that helped the District Administration to bag a cash award of Rs. 3 Crore under Aspirational Development Programme.

Expressing satisfaction over the ranking, the District Development Commissioner (DDC) Baramulla, Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar complimented the team of officers who worked with utmost dedication and commitment for achieving the rank under Aspiratonal districts programme.

Speaking on the progress of the district in Agriculture sector, Dr Sehrish Asgar said that district administration has achieved this milestone based on development in the Agriculture and allied sectors. She said that during the last few years, the District has worked hard for doubling of farmers income, increase in cultivation of Mashroom, Maize, Corn and other productions.

The DDC added that the district has adopted an integrated farming approch in which agriculture can be integrated with livestock, poultry and fish maintained at same place to generate employment around the year and also get additional income.

The DDC also said that Baramulla district has achieved a remarkable performance in Self Employment measures, Skill Development and other welfare schemes for which she extended appreciations to the concerned functionaries of the concerned departments.

Meanwhile, DDC exhorted upon all the departments to work with added Zeal and cohesion in order to get a desired achievements for the overall development of Baramulla district.


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