.Advocate Parwaz lone deserves special appreciation.Mubarik to all Pensioners. .Qayoom wani
An emergency meeting of Pensioners United front was held at Central office Gogjibagh Srinagar under the chairmanship of Ab Qayoom wani chairman jammu kashmir civil society forum and president pensioners United front. In the meeting all the leaders appreciated the efforts of prominent Lawyer and legal expert of par excellence Jenab Advocate Parvaiz Ahmad lone .The way Advocate Parwaiz lone pleaded on behalf of lakhs of Pensioners of jammu kashmir and Ladakh needs congratulations by everyone. Wani said that now govt has been clearly directed not to deduct commutation after completion of ten years from the pensioner .it is good news for every pensioner of Jammu Kashmir and every pensioner will get sigh of relief now . wani also congratulated and appreciated all the leaders ,office bearers and co ordinators of Pensioners United front and jKCSF especially our team leaders Gh Ahmad Shah and Mohd Akbar Mir co ordinators of Pensioners United front who put their every effort in CAT and co ordinated with Advocate Parwaiz lone and leaders of jKCSF and JKLPUF.wani said my special thanks to both of them for this historical victory. Wani directed all the leaders and members of Pensioners United front and Jammu Kashmir Civil society forum to attend Central office Gogjibagh Srinagar tommorow at 11 am sharp for celebration and other organisation formalities.