Srinagar, May 19:

Director General of Police, J&K, Shri R.R Swain made a lightening visit to District police headquarters in Shopian and held a meeting with senior officers of army, CRPF and police.

Enemy’s plans and frustrations and tasking of their agents and proxies to disrupt the democratic process, devious schemes to undertake selective targeting, to disrupt economic activities aimed at harming employment and income were analysed. Localised steps for countering the people’s enemy were devised.

DGP accompanied by IGP Kashmir Shri V.K Birdi, DIG south Kashmir Shri Altaf Ahmad Khan also undertook a check of the night domination action of the security forces especially in the Pahalgam axis.

Promising a tough crackdown on the real OGWs and a handful of local terrorists who have been helping foreign terrorists in various ways, DGP said, the force of the law shall be brought upon these elements very severely and interests of the community protected at all costs. The security leaders held that facilitators who provide accommodation, transport, food, medicine, phone facility to the terrorists who pull the trigger are as much guilty and will find it hard to hide and escape consequences.


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