The Crime Branch Kashmir produced charge sheet in case FIR No: 47/2016 U/S 420, 468, 471, 120-B, 109 RPC before the Hon’ble Court of Judge Small Causes Srinagar against the fraudsters luring the people on the pretext of providing Govt. job.

Brief facts of the case are that the Crime Branch Kashmir received a communication from CID Headquarter J&K,  whereunder it was mentioned that CID J&K has received a communication from Chairman State Bank of India  regarding providing of character verification/non-involvement in subversive activities in respect of 01. Shahnawaz Shareef Bhat S/o Mohammed Abdullah Bhat R/o Gazergund Budgam 02. Shabir Hussain Mir S/o Gh. Hassan R/o Hamdaniya Colony Sector D-House No. 198 Bemina Srinagar and 03. Tayeeb Yaseen Ahangar S/o Mohammed Yaseen R/o Syed Abad Bemina Srinagar, however verification rolls in respect of these individuals were not found appended with the communication and the matter was accordingly taken up with the concerned bank authorities and in response to the communication  it was informed that the letter  purported to have been sent by the chairman SBI is forged/fabricated and has not been issued by the State Bank of India  The said communication has dishonestly and fraudulently been prepared after resorting to forgery to deceive the candidates.

Based on above communications Case FIR No. 47/2016 was registered in P/S CBK and investigation set into motion. During the course of investigation it was established that an amount of Rs. 4 lacs were collected by the accused on the pretext of providing a Govt. job to the candidates in State Bank of India, however instead of providing the job the money has been grabbed by the accused persons. From the facts enumerated during the course of investigation it has been established that the accused persons namely Shabir Ahmad Sheikh S/o Abdul Jabbar Sheikh R/o Hamdaniya Colony Bemina, Srinagar, Mohd. Sultan Ganie alias Prof. Mohd. Sultan Ganie S/o Late Abdul Aziz Ganie R/o Ungam Bandipora have dishonestly, fraudulently and after hatching a criminal conspiracy with each other and with the aid/abetment of Bashir Ahmad Shah S/o Gh. Nabi Shah R/o Machama Tral and Gowhar Nazir Rather S/o Nazir Ahmad Rather R/o Chandhara Pampore cheated one Mohammad Yaseen R/o Bemina Srinagar and fraudulently collected an amount of Rs. 4 lacs from him and grabbed the same. They also attempted to

cheat two more candidates namely Shabir Hussain Mir R/o Bemina Srinagar and Shahnawaz Sharif Bhat R/o Gazargund Budgam.


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