NC’s meet with delimitation commission will strengthen August 05 decisions: Sajad Lone


Srinagar, December 19 :

People’s Conference chairman, Sajad Lone on Sunday said that if NC meets delimitation commission then it will further strengthen the unconstitutional decisions of August 5, 2019.

Talking to reporters, Lone said that on May 21st Farooq Abdullah gave a statement that NC will not meet the delimitation commission as meeting the commission will strengthen the decisions of August 05, 2019.

“So, Farooq Abdullah has to answer the people that what has changed in the last 6 months in Jammu and Kashmir. Wouldn’t this be a support of the decisions of August 05 if NC will meets the delimitation commission?,” he questioned.

Lone further said that if NC will not meet the delimitation commission then surely they are in support of restoration of special status of J&K.

Lone said that he would like to tell the PM and the authorities of J&K that they should not create a pressure cooker like situation in J&K.

“There is so much oppression in J&K that the people are experiencing like being in a pressure cooker. The government should try to lessen the pressure here otherwise in a pressure cooker like situation, the lava will come out,” he added.

He said that the authorities of J&K who are heading the UT will go back to their native places someday but the people especially the youth of J&K have to live here.

“I want to appeal to the government to not create a venom which will impact the future generations of J&K.”

Replying to a question about restoration of article 370, he said that PC’s stand is clear about the restoration of article 370 and statehood and they will fight for whatever has been taken from the people of J&K unconstitutionally. (KNS)


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