Eight family members among eleven injured due to landslides and house collapse in Uri Baramulla

Scores of families moved to safer places, scores of residential house damaged, three bridges washed away

Reyaz Rashid/Inayat Qayoom

Baramulla: Amid harsh weather conditions, heavy incessant rains followed by snowfall in upper reaches of Kashmir valley triggered landslides and flood like situation with dozen villages remain inundated in North Kashmir’s Baramulla, Kupwara, Bandipora districts after heavy rains inundated roads, streets and raised water level in streams, rivulets and river Jehlum.

The low lying areas in North Kashmir’s Kupwara, Bandipora and Baramulla districts faced the prospect of floods with water levels in all major rivers and streams rising alarmingly following incessant rain. Jhelum, the biggest river in the valley, and its tributaries like the Ferozepur, Balkoul, Mawar, Phoru, Kamal Sindh, Lidder, Ramiyar and Pohru were brimming over due to heavy rains in the mountains and cloudbursts at many places. 

Inundated villages, roads, streets, landslides, choked drains, flooded streets with uprooted trees damaged electricity poles and wire was the picture in different areas of Uri, Pattan, Sopore and other areas of Baramulla District. Heavy rains forced people to remain indoors and traffic was very low on the roads.  

In north’s Kupwara and Hundwara heavy rains inundated dozens of villages in areas situated near Phoru, Mawar, Kamal streams. In Hundwara villages like Braripora, Kulagangam, Chogal,Datikote, Wayepora,Khroo, Langate, Shanoo, Teran, Hanga, Badgund got submerged when water overflowed from the banks of Nalla Mawar.

The water levels have surged beyond the danger mark, prompting the concerned Executive Engineers of Irrigation and Flood Control to declare floods in their respective domains. Responding swiftly, the District Administration has relocated 336 families from flood-affected zones to safer areas on Monday.

Handwara Tehsil alone witnessed the evacuation of 198 families, underlining the urgency of the situation. In this dire scenario, 51 villages in the district have experienced partial inundation, while five villages in Handwara have been completely submerged by the floods.

The villages badly hit by flood include Bramri, Bahipora, Kawri, Wapora while as Kulangam Hundwara, Chogal Hundawara, Gonipora , School Building, Government High School Chogul Hundwara , Bungam Langate, Arampora,Bakhi hKarar.

The deluge wreaked havoc on critical infrastructure, causing damage to key assets such as Shumriyal Bridge, Khumryal Bridge’s side walls, Shatmuqam Bridge, and others. Furthermore, the breach in Doban Kachama dam added to the woes. The Sopore-Kupwara national highway faced closure due to inundation at Kawari, compounding transportation challenges.

Additionally, the onset of fresh snowfall led to the closure of all border roads, heightening the risk of avalanches. However, the District Administration assured the public of proactive measures, with rescue, relief, and restoration operations in full swing. Monitoring of water levels continues unabated, alongside ongoing evacuation efforts in flood-prone regions. Twenty-one shelter homes have been set up district-wide to accommodate displaced residents.

In this critical juncture, the public has been urged to seek assistance from District Control Room and Tehsil Level control Rooms. Consequently, classes in schools across the district remained suspended for the day.

Deputy Commissioner Ayushi Sudan wasted no time in mobilizing resources for immediate restoration, particularly emphasizing the reconnection of Shumryal and Gundjahanger villages. Leading by example, she personally surveyed the affected areas, ensuring a firsthand assessment of the flood situation. In a subsequent meeting of the District Disaster Management Authority, she reiterated directives for a concerted effort in rescue, relief, and restoration endeavors.

Deputy Commissioner Kupwara, Ayushi Sudan, conducted an extensive tour of flood prone areas of Handwara, Kupwara and Lolab areas of the district to take stock of the flood like situation caused by the incessant rains in the district.

The DC visited Kawari, Nutnoosa and Drugmulla located along Nallah Pohru to examine the flood situation and get the first hand appraisal of the evacuation measures.
She also visited Khumryal, Shumryal and Gund Jahangeer located along Nallah Lolab and took stock of the situation. The DC later visited Sogam and Khan Chak Takipora and interacted with people.
During the visit, the DC stressed upon the concerned departments to remain vigilant in case of any exigency. She asked the concerned officers to be vigilant, pro active and mobilize men and machinery as and when required to handle any situation. She also called for close coordination to ensure timely rescue and rehabilitation.
Moreover, the DC appealed to the people not to venture close to the water bodies and Nallahs, and contact the District level or Tehsil level control rooms in case of any emergency or in the need of any evacuation.
Meanwhile, ADC Kupwara, Muhammad Rouf Rehaman also visited several areas of Kupwara to have appraisal of flood like situation ADC Handwara, Aziz Ahmad Rather along with other officers made several rounds of Kulangam, GMC Chowgal, Zachaldara, Chotipora, Mawar and other areas of Handwara sub division. He monitored the evacuation measures. SDM Karnah also paid visit to several areas of Karnah to assess the situation.

In north Kashmir’s Baramulla district a local resident was injured as landslide blocked Baramulla-Gulmarg highway at Cherdari Baramulla while as two persons were injured in Uri after land slide hit national highway near NS bridge Uri.

Locals that one person namely Zahoor Ahmad Wani got injured after landslide hit highway damaging a residential house. The family had narrow escape. The injured was rushed to GMC Baramulla for medical treatment.

Two persons injured in landslide near NS Bridge were identified as Nazir Ahmed Naik and Mustaq Ahmed Naik of  Garkote Uri and shifted to SDH Uri.

Another  house collapsed in Bujthalan Boniyar Uri leaving eight members trapped beneath the debris, however, prompt action from neighboring residents all the trapped family were rescued in which two among eight have sustained critical injuries.

Witnesses said that a residential house collapsed after a landslide hit their house at Bujthalan village of Boniyar Uri. The timely intervention came after nearby residents raised the alarm upon witnessing the collapse, prompting a flurry of assistance from locals. Despite the adverse weather conditions, people rushed to the scene, demonstrating remarkable solidarity and courage.

Fortunately, all eight individuals trapped in the rubble were successfully rescued, albeit sustaining injuries in the process. The injured were given timely first aid and treatment by the medical teams dispatched by Block Medical Officer (BMO) of Boniyar Dr. Khurshed Khan while as two critically injured were promptly transported to the Sub-District Hospital (SDH) Boniyar for urgent medical attention.

Dr. Khurshed Khan, the Block Medical Officer (BMO) of Boniyar, confirmed the incident, stating that medical teams and ambulances were dispatched immediately to the site of the accident. All injured were given on spot first aid and treatment; however, there were two critical injuried persons were brought to PHC Boniyar where from they were referred to GMC Baramulla.

Hourly after the landslide,  Deputy Commissioner Baramulla, Minga Sherpa, conducted an onsite visit to assess the situation at the Baramulla-Gulmarg Baba Reshi Road, which has been severely impacted by landslides at Cherdari after the relentless and continuous rainfall that has been battering the Valley for the past few days.

Meanwhile JKNC District President Baramulla Dr Sajad urged the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir and district administrations to ensure adequate supply of essential commodities like ration and gas. Dr Sajad  said that for ease of patients all local hospitals must have enough staff and functional power generators in case of power failure.He  said that  areas of Sub Division Uri are cut off due to heavy rain , he demanded immediate road clearance and restoration of Water and power supply in Sub Division Uri

The DC during the visit interacted with the residents of the area and assured them that the issue has been escalated with the concerned department and the road connectivity will be restored as soon as the weather improves.
The water level in river Jehlum,  the local stream Nalla Ferozpore , Dargang and Ningli Nallah of Wagoora have raised insistently inundating low-lying areas of Pattan including adjoining canals and rivulets.

Several Villages including Gopalpora Palhalan, Gousbugh , Palhalan Ghat, Palpora Ussan Khoe, Habak Tengo, Gundbal, KP Payeen, Khasipora, Khore, Hanjiwera Trikolbal and adjacent localities of Pattan sub-dvision inundated after gushing water of Nallah Ferozpora submerged the villages.

With an inadequate and outdated drainage system, many localities  of Baramulla and Sopore town are flooded which include Gosia Colony , Stadium Colony in Baramulla and some residential areas in Rafiabad, New Colony, Tarzoo Sopore, Model Town Sopore, Dag Moholla, Amberpora, Alibagh Sopore, Watergam Rafiabad faced water logging problems.

 “We have been facing water logging since 2014 floods but despite several representations to administration and Flood and Irrigation department, nobody cares about our miseries, “said Sarpanch Tarzoo C Sopore Nazir Ahmad.

In frontier Uri sub-division, two  residential houses were damaged after a landslide hit them besides road of Batgran, Sukdar and Chollan Uri  it  got blocked after landslide triggered by rains caved in but authorities have failed to resorted the traffic movement, local said.

Following the incessant rains, the district administration ordered closer of all schools in Sub-division Uri. “In view of incessant rains, class work in all schools in Uri Sub-division of district Baramulla shall remain closed,” CEO Baramulla tweeted.

 Deputy Commissioner Baramulla, Minga Sherpa said that all the Executive Engineers across the district have been instructed to clear all the roads that have been obstructed due to landslides and ensure their seamless connectivity.

Additionally, the DC said that advisory has been issued in view of the bad weather conditions and all the ADCs and SDMs across the sub-divisions of the district have been directed to take precautionary measures to safeguard the lives of the residents during this challenging weather.

Meanwhile, on the directions of the DC, the men and machinery across all the Municipalities of Baramulla were working tirelessly amid challenging weather conditions, clearing water logging to make the roads and other places accessible for the public and traffic movement.said,

“Many areas in the district are flooded with rain water accumulated after incessant rains. Besides rains triggered landslides, so people are advised to avoid unnecessary movement and contact helpline No 01952234343, 7006493646. We are prepared to deal with any kind of flood like situation but so far there are no reports of any loss of life or any major damage in any area.”

In Bandipora district, incessant rainfall from last night has led to an increase in the water level “beyond the specified limit” in various rivers and streams located in different areas. Bandipora-Gurez road was also closed for traffic movement after fresh snowfall at Razdan Pass and several upper reached of Gurez Valley including Tulail. 

Many areas have been inundated by flood waters after water level flows beyond limited level in various streams especially in Nallah Athwatoo, Arin and Madhumati. Madhumati Stream flows beyond danger level an damaged a vital Kaloosa Bridge on Sopore Bandipora road.

Similarly water inundated Athwatoo village and damaged it roads when the  Vij and Athwatoo Nahallah flows beyond danger mark while damaging Atwatoo Bridge.

 Locals in Hajin, Sumbal, Madvan and other adjoining areas told Kashmir Images that river Jehulum and adjoining tributaries and flowing beyond specified limit.


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