
Reyaz Rashid

While entire Narvaw area of Baramulla district and people from cross section society remember the remarkable individual Ghulam Din Gulshan affectionately known as G. D. Gulshan of Zogiyar and mourn the huge loss on his 5th death anniversary.

I as family friend and writer want to pay rich tributes to the fatherly figure and noble soul who loved me like his son and always consult me for his welfare endeavours for Narvaw.

G D Gulshan aka Gulshan Shab was an extraordinary soul, a visionary, a compassionate leader, and a tireless advocate for justice who was widely recognized as a notable political figure and a compassionate social activist in Sheeri Narvaw area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla’s district.

Born and raised in Zogiyar Sheeri, G. D. Gulshan’s unwavering dedication to public service led him to align himself with the National Conference for many years, where he worked diligently to bring about positive change. His integrity and passion earned him widespread respect and admiration.

However, driven by a profound sense of justice, he later joined the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in search of a platform that aligned more closely with his vision for a better society.

A trailblazer in his own right, G. D. Gulshan fearlessly challenged the status quo. In the 2014 assembly elections, he courageously contested from the Baramulla constituency as a representative of the People’s Republican Party.

Although he did not emerge victorious, his campaign sparked hope and ignited conversations around the pressing issues affecting his community.Beyond his political pursuits, G. D. Gulshan was a beacon of hope and inspiration. He dedicated his life to uplifting the lives of those around him, particularly the underprivileged and marginalized sections of society.

Apart from his political struggle, he dedicated his life for the welfare of the people of Narwav, Baramulla by remaining actively engaged in various social and religious initiatives.

However, his sad demise on 21 May 2018 on Friday, in the holy month of Ramadhan, left a void in political and social circles of Baramulla which is being deeply felt.G. D. Gulshan was not only respected for his political endeavors but was also admired for his generosity and kindness. His selfless contributions to society garnered widespread appreciation and admiration.G. D. Gulshan’s passing has left a void that cannot be easily filled.

Thousands of mourners, representing a cross-section of society, converged to pay their final respects during his funeral prayers at ancestral graveyard in Zogiyar became a testament to the profound impact he had on the lives of countless individuals.

The outpouring of condolences and sympathies from prominent officials, journalists, and social and political activists serves as a testament to the indelible mark he left on their hearts.

Ghulam Din Gulshan’s legacy as a passionate advocate for social progress and his unwavering commitment to the betterment of his community will forever be cherished. His absence is being deeply felt, and his memory will continue to inspire generations to come.

The bereaved family, including his brothers, wife and daughter UIfat Gulshan, his daughter’s husband -a renowned journalist Khursheed Aalam, who serves as the Editor of Kashmir Media Network, and his brother-in-law, former SSP Bashir Tameel, Arshid Hussain, Pamposh Rashid, Raja Javid received condolences and sympathies from individuals representing various segments of society.

People from all walks of life, including prominent officials, journalists, and social and political activists, expressed their heartfelt grief over the loss of this noble soul.G. D. Gulshan left behind a legacy that will forever inspire generations to come for he epitomized compassion, resilience, and a burning desire to make a difference.

He was a man of principles, deeply committed to the well-being of his fellow citizens. Throughout his illustrious career as a political figure and social activist, he fought tirelessly for the rights and upliftment of the marginalized.

He championed education, empowerment, and social welfare, understanding that true progress lies in uplifting every member of the community. His unwavering commitment to religious activities endeared him to the hearts of many, and his absence will be deeply felt.

However, his legacy will forever remain etched in the annals of our community’s history. May his soul find eternal peace, and may we carry forward his noble mission of building a society that embraces equality, justice, and empathy for all.

The obituary has been written by senior writer, educator, storyteller and innovator of Sheeri Narwav.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of writer and do not necessarily reflect the views or position of SNS Kashmir.


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