Poltical Leaders, journalists, activists should be allowed to speak in a free and fair atmosphere: Qayoom Wani



Jammu And Kashmir Civil Society Forum has expressed anguish over the news reports that revealed the surveillance of phones of political leaders, journalists activists, businessmen and others in J&K as per the news reports.
Chairman, JKCSF, Abdul Qayoom Wani here in a statement said “phone is a privacy and imploring surveillance on this kind of exclusive privacy was the open violation of fundamental rights of a community and its individuals, which he said is the basic human right and muzzling the privacy of individuals of a society by surveillance on mobile phones, what else was left free to be called the privacy”
Wani said such surveillance over the phones of political and religious leaders like Mirwaiz Umar Farooq ,Bilal Gani lone ,Masroor abas Ansari ,Mehbooba mufti and jornalists, activists as reported in the news must be ended and these leaders should be allowed to speak in a free and fair atmosphere.


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