J&K People’s Conference today paid glowing tributes to the martyrs of 1931, calling the day a significant milestone in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to a statement issued here, PC Provincial President and former legislator Mohammad Khursheed Alam said that this day holds immense significance and will forever remain in our collective memory as a testament to the sacrifices made by these valiant individuals.

“Today, we solemnly reflect upon the sacrifices made by these brave souls and recommit ourselves to upholding the principles they fought for. The martyrs made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their lives in the pursuit of respect and rights for the people of Kashmir. Their unwavering commitment to the cause has left an indelible mark on our hearts and serves as a constant reminder of the values we hold dear”, he added.

Alam stated that it is unfortunate that he along with other leaders of the party were unjustly detained and denied the opportunity to lead a peaceful gathering of party leaders and workers to offer prayers and pay tributes to the martyrs at Manzar-e-Shohda.

“This restriction on our peaceful assembly is deeply concerning and infringes upon our right to commemorate the martyrs. Despite this setback, our determination remains unwavering. We shall continue to honor and remember the martyrs in our hearts and work towards achieving their vision of a just and prosperous Jammu and Kashmir”, he concluded.


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