Area’s Comes under Receiving Stations Khanyar, Rainawari and Takenwari will be Effected


According to the Chief Engineer, Distribution, KPDCL, in order to carry out Reconductoring of Khanyar-Rainawari line from 0.15 ACSR to 0.2 ACSR, the shutdown of 33KV Wanganpora Khanyar and Wagangpora Takanwari line shall be observed due to which Receiving Stations at Khanyar, Rainawari and Takenwari shall remain off while the power supply to the Miskeen Bagh, Rozabal, Maqdoom Sb, Hazari Bagh, Jogilankar, JLNM Hospital, Kondalbal, Hassanabad, Palpora, Sangam and Narwara areas will be affected from 12:00 Noon to 03:00 PM on 28 December, 2024.


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