In order to counter the increasing menace of drugs among the youth and the masses and to prevent the abuse, RPHQ Rajouri organised a one day Seminar at Poonch on the topic “Drug awareness and counter measures to tackle the menace” at Dak Bunglow Poonch.

The programme was attended by a large number of senior Citizens, Traders, Businessmen, Religious leaders, Students from various schools and the staff members.

During the Seminar various speakers deliberated upon the topic. Speakers who spoke on the topics include Smt. Pallavi Singh, Chairperson JKSPYM Jammu, Dr. Sumit Bakshi, Medical Officer Rajouri, Dr. Sarfaraz Mir, HOD History Govt. degree College Surankote, Dr. Irfan Baba and Dr. Balwinder Singh Medical officers Poonch. Various documentaries were also played during the various sessions.

Later civil society, students, traders & advocates appreciated the active role played by the District Police Poonch in its war against the drugs and also organising such awareness camps/seminars at various places.

In the afternoon seession, the Dy. Commissioner Poonch Sh. Inderjeet Bhagat, JKAS also joined and addressed the audience and complemented range Police and Poonch Police on organising such useful events. He also complimented the role played by the Police in tackling this menace. He also emphasised that such events will be organised at Thana and Sub Division level and will involve Panchayats Lumbardars and Chowkidars.

Later in the closing address, SSP Poonch Sh. Rohit Baksotra thanked all the speakers for sharing the valuable information on the subject and also sought public co-operation in fighting the drug menace in Poonch.

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