Thousands of people throng to demonstrate their support for PC; Vowed to revive North Kashmir’s glory

Srinagar, May 13:

J&K Peoples Conference President Sajad Lone addressed two massive enthusiastic gatherings of workers in Sopore and Lolab assembly segments of North Kashmir. The staggering turnout underscored the surging momentum behind PC’s campaign for the upcoming Parliamentary elections.

Pertinently, the convention in Sopore was organised by PC Senior Vice President Abdul Gani Vakil while as Lolab Convention was spearheaded by DDC Vice Chairman Kupwara, Haji Farooq.

While addressing the gathering, Lone castigated NC’s Parliamentary representatives for their egregious neglect and apathy, condemning their actions that have plunged areas like Sopore and Lolab into the abyss of underdevelopment and suffering.

“Their imperviousness has rendered Sopore stagnant on developmental grounds for over three decades, once a vibrant town affectionately dubbed as ‘Chota London.’ Similarly, Lolab’s potential as a bustling tourist destination remained untapped, as they prioritized the imposition of PSA’s over fostering development & public welfare,” he lamented.

Urging the gathering to support change through their ballots, Lone pledged to revive North Kashmir’s economy, materialize developmental aspirations and reclaim the dignity of its people.

“What has befallen us due to the lack of resolve and political myopia of NC leaders for the past three decades shall now become a reality within the next five to ten years,” he declared, asserting that those asking votes for NC are “enemies to the future of your children.”

In a pointed retort aimed at Omar Abdullah, PC President stated that anyone who brings a spoon alongwith him to stir a cup of tea is undeserving of the trust of people of North Kashmir. He also underscored the historical precedents, citing instances where NC habitually villified opponents.

“From Sheikh Abdullah’s allegations against Jamaat as agency partisans to Farooq Abdullah’s accusations against figures like Shabir Shah & Yasin Malik as agency creation, NC has a track record of scapegoating adversaries with fabricated lies. This pattern persists with the father-son duo who are evading accountability for their corruption through a covert alliance with BJP,” he emphasized.

He further censured NC’s bid to monopolize elections without competition, underscoring that merely attacking Sajad Lone wouldn’t absolve them of their past oppression, including the blatant rigging of the 1987 elections.

“Who bears responsibility for radicalizing Syed Yusuf Shah into Salahuddin while Yasin Malik served as his election agent? They endured relentless crackdowns & oppression under NC rule, compelling them to resort to arms. The travesty lies in Mr. Omar soliciting votes today, whereas in 2010, the youths massacred at his behest were disgracefully branded as drug addicts by him. Our moral compass will never permit us to endorse these White Collar killers,” he reiterated.

Lone asserted that he could embody any role, but never stoop to the level of a cold-blooded murderer like NC leadership.

“They excel solely at slandering opponents as BJP affiliates. In the 2019 Parliamentary elections, Farooq Abdullah disseminated fifty videos alleging Sajad’s association with the BJP. Meanwhile, after two months I languished in jail amidst the general category, whereas Farooq Abdullah luxuriated at home and Omar resided in Hari Niwas, that entails a government expenditure of 40 crores for 12 rooms, translating to a staggering 3.5 crores per room. I’m confounded as to who is reaping the spoils of BJP’s favours,” he observed.


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