A important meeting of Traders Federation Baramulla was held at the office of Federation that was presided by president, Er Tariq Ahmad Mughloo. The meeting was attended by all the office bearers, executive members besides elected and naminated members of all the Market committee’s of the town. This extraordinary meeting lasted for several hours witch was held on 9 of September.

The important issues related to trade community came up for the discussion and members highlighted various issues pertaining to traders especially the issues related to banks and online trade activities which had an adverse effects on the trade of the town. During the meeting various descisions about the welfare of the community were taken up and after threadbare discussions these decisions will be implemented which will help in the trade community of Baramulla. On the occasion Er Tariq Mughloo thanked all the participants for putting forward various suggestions about the trade community and welfare of traders and assured them that Federation will always be on forefront in resolving issues of traders of the town.


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