Handwara February 12, 2024:

The Handwara Police is urging the public to remain vigilant against a growing online extortion scam. In response to a written complaint, the police have successfully arrested the accused, identified as Atif Qurashi, who targeted individuals by falsely personifying himself as a computer engineer.

The accused initially contacted victims through social media platforms, claiming their personal data had been leaked. Posing as a helpful professional, he offered to clear the data from the internet for a fee. The scam escalated when victims, fearing exposure, succumbed to the extortion demands.

Case FIR NO 27/2024 has been registered against the accused under relevant sections of the law, and the Handwara Police have already taken him into custody. Initial investigations reveal that the accused systematically targeted numerous individuals, exploiting their fear of leaked data.

In light of this, Handwara Police is appealing to the general public, regardless of gender, to promptly report any such incidents to the police. The community is encouraged to be cautious and skeptical of unsolicited messages, especially those claiming data breaches.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of cybersecurity and online safety. The police are committed to ensuring the safety and security of the community and will continue to investigate such cases rigorously.


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