Directs all the private schools to upload class-wise list of books on their website within three days.

Chairs a meeting with parents’ association of different schools and representatives of different schools.

Srinagar, 4th January 2025:

Director School Education Kashmir, Dr. G N Itoo today reviewed the educational scenario of private schools and chaired different meetings with the parents associations of different schools. During the meeting, different issues regarding the functioning of the private schools were raised and DSEK gave a patient hearing to the delegation and assured timely redressal of the same. The meeting was also attended by Joint Director Elementary Education Mohd Mushtaq, Chief Education Officer Srinagar Shabina Kyser and DEPO Srinagar Anjum Raja.
In another meeting with the representatives of private schools, DSEK stressed upon all the private schools to adhere to the rules and regulations laid down by the Department regarding their functioning in letter and spirit. DSEK reiterated the need to follow the guidelines from FFRC regarding the fee regulations and avoid the unjustified increase in the tuition and other charges beyond the approval from the FFRC. Private schools were directed to impart quality education to all the students in their schools.
In view of the numerous complaints received against many schools, DSEK directed all the schools to upload the class-wise list of textbooks prescribed by the school within three days in order to bring it into the public domain.


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