Burhan Hussainii


Mudasir Gul hailing from Padshahi Bagh Srinagar.

He has done BFA from institute of music and fine arts Rajbagh which is now affiliated with Kashmir University.

Mudasir is a Freelance Artist, and has got 2 national awards in 2012. He is also an amazing Graffiti artist and he is also interested in mural paintings. He has got many awards in painting competitions and also has many certificates in his name.

He, said that I am a Graffiti artist and my journey was going good but unfortunately, (May 15) was a Black day in my life and I will never forget this day.

I got arrested for making Graffiti painting of Palestinian women, I got a call from police Station, after receiving the call the concerned police officer asked me to come to police station.

Firstly, I asked them what is my mistake and they told me; come to the bridge were I had driven the graffiti. There SHO of Police, asked me to deface the portrait of Palestinian women which I painted, and after defacing the graffiti they took me to Police Station.

And when we reached the police station, I thought they will harrase me but thanks to Allah they treated me well and kept me in a room first and not in custody but unfortunately at midnight, I think it was 12:30 AM when policeman came to my room and put me in a lock up.The condition of the lockup was so bad that it was very tough for me to sit there.

They also arrested 7 more persons at around 2 Am. After being put in a lockup the anxiety started to hurt me because this was my first experience was in a lockup.

We were kept here for three days and finally after 3 days we were released. In Custody nobody informed me about Public Safety Act (PSA), charges being laid on me, but when my Mom, Sister and Aunt came there they told me about this news.

In the end “I would like to say that it was a miracle for me when I was released because I didn’t expect that I will be released so soon. I am thankfully to Allah first and then to the international as well as Local Media who highlighted my story which helped in getting me released ”, he said.


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