Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum has extended its warm greetings to the people of Jammu and Kashmir and entire Muslim World on the auspicious occasion of ‘Eidd-ul-Adha.
in a statement issued here Chairman JKCSF Abdul QayoomWani said that the festival is an ode to the virtues of devotion, faith and sacrifice and inspires feelings of brotherhood, compassion and unity.
Wani wished the sacrifices to be appreciated and prayers be answered by Almighty Allah. In the Statement, Wani quoted Holy Quran and said that Neither the flesh nor the blood (of the sacrificed animal) reaches Allah;It is our piety that reaches him.
Wani appealed People not forget Widows, orphans and all those People who are in dire need of help.He appealed People to help them to their level best on this Holy eve of Eid.
Wani said that release of detainees has become human issue keeping in view their families in mental trauma.
Wani demanded release of all detainees on humanitarian grounds so that their families may have a sigh of relief at this difficult time when everybody is feared due to fear of third wave of covid -19. He appealed the people of J&K to remember all those families whose family members are lodged in different Jails and all those People who suffered due to lock down.
Wani Said that Eid ul-Adha is the day of sacrifice, rejoice, bliss and commitment to Allah’s orders.
On This day people should Seek Allah’s mercy through sacrifice and love. Wani added that while sacrificing Animals people should follow SOPs and Maintain required distances to avoid spread of Covid-19 especially to defeat the feared third wave.