People demand permanent BMO for Sheeri block; seek up-gradation of PHC to CHC   

We have send the proposal for BMO  and hoplfully within days BMO will be posted: DHSK Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Rather

Reyaz Rashid

Baramulla, July18: Health Services and patient care has allegedly been badly hit as the largest health block in Baramulla district is without a permanent Block Medical Officer (BMO) from last two months after retirement of BMO Sheeri due to which people and patients are suffering badly.

Locals and people associated with healthcare services have urged health authorities to immediately deploy a permanent BMO to health block Sheeri which spreads from Gantamulla to Kalantra, Hajibal to Khaitangan  having a Community Health Centre (CHC) at Chandosa,  five Primary Health Centers (PHC)s, five NTPHCs, one UPHC and 27 Sub Centers.

“In present circumstances with Covid-19 pandemic third wave knocking at doors, it is very imperative to have a permanent BMO in a largest health block of the district but unfortunately after former BMO Sheeri Dr. Farooq got retired there is no BMO deployed for the block. However, an in charge doctor has been posted but she doesn’t have DDO powers,” said a health official of the health block.

“Patient care has been badly hit as essential medicines for patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) couldn’t be purchased from last two months in all the hospitals of the block in absence of DDO due to which patients face lot of inconvenience,” said local Manzoor Ahmad Sheikh whose mother is a diabetic patient.

“ Not only this patient care in OPD and IPD got affected as immediate officers with DDO powers can fix the responsibility of any delinquency and negligence but in charge officers without DDO powers can’t do justice,” he added.   

Meanwhile Sarpanchs Sheeri and RKS member of the hospital Ghulam Rasool Bhat appealed to the top healthcare officials and district administration to appoint a Block Medical Officer at Sheeri.

“There are dozens of issues pertaining to PHC Sheeri and hospitals of health block Sheeri that were supposed to be tackled by the Block Medical officer. But when there is no official heading the block, how can they handle other issues. I appeal to the senior health officials and district administration to appoint a block medical officer for the smooth functioning of the hospitals,”Bhat added.

He added that  the residents of Narwav have been urging the authorities to upgrade the Public Health Centre (PHC) Sheeri to Community Health Centre (CHC) so that the staff strength of the hospital is increased and adequate health facilities are made available at the hospital for the convenience of patients as PHC Sheeri is the only hospital located on Sringar Muzzafarabad highway from Uri to Baramulla.

“PHC Sheeri is catering to a huge area comprising dozens of villages. The upgradation of the centre would ensure increase in staff strength besides better healthcare facilities to the people besides there is urgent need of digital X-ray,  latestUSG machine for the hospital  as in absence of such facilities, patients had to shed hefty amounts in conducting these tests in private,” he added.

“The existing X-ray machine and USG machine has almost turned obsolete. Both need to be replaced by the latest machines so that the error is avoided. It is a long-pending demand of people of the area. In absence of such facilities, the poor people of the area often had to conduct such tests in private which costs them a large amount,” said BilalAhmad, a local.

Locals also demanded appointment of a gynaecologist surgeon so that surgeries are conducted in hospital and patients are not referred to Baramulla hospital. They have also urged the hospital authorities to make the operation theatre fully functional so that people are largely benefitted at the hospital.

The absence of BMO has also affected the administrative and financial works in the health institutions of the block.

According to information, the department has delegated the drawing and disbursing officer (DDO) powers to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Baramulla which has to look after health affairs of the entire district. As a result, the hospital staff is left in the lurch as hospital employees including HDF employees have been facing inconvenience in drawing their salaries.

Director Health Services Kashmir Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad  Rather, told Kashmir Images that a proposal has been sent to the government and within few days the health block Sheeri will get permanent BMO.

“ We have sent the proposal of BMO for Sheeri health block and I hope within days it will get the approval from the government and Sheeri health block with permanent BMO,” he informed.      


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